Is this where my future as a fiduciary, trust, and estate litigator is headed? Do I need to get an agent and print up some 8 X 10 glossy publicity photos?
Recently a casting call was issued in the New York area for a new reality series called "Estate Wars." While I am simultaneously offended and excited about the concept, I’ll let you form your own opinion as you read through the casting call:
"Are YOU and YOUR RELATIVES arguing over a loved one’s Will? Do you need help resolving family conflicts and evaluating the worth of objects in the Estate?
Was your loved one’s Will vague– who should get what — and you and your relatives can’t agree, we want to hear from you!!!
The Production Company behind “LA Ink” and “Storm Chasers” is casting real families in a life-changing new series.
Almost all family members MUST reside in the NY Tri-State Area and there must be objects of interest and varying degrees of value in the Estate."
Not only will we settle your estate nightmare, but you will receive compensation upon being a part of the show
Having been professionally involved in many family battles over money, power, and which child was the favored one while mom or dad was alive, I am morbidly curious to see how this show plays out. Stay tuned.