Owning and running a thriving business requires energy, passion and commitment. Its ultimate success, however, may be measured by the extent to which an exit strategy is thoughtfully planned and executed.
Firm partner Steve Kantor will be participating in an upcoming panel discussion called “From Entrepreneur to Investor: Successfully Navigating the Transition.” The discussion will explore the succession plan of a business, and the importance of building the right team for a successful and profitable transition from entrepreneur to investor in today’s economic environment.
Event Details
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
5:30 pm – Reception
6:00 pm – Dinner and Presentation
Multnomah Athletic Club: 1849 SW Salmon, Portland, OR 97205
Complimentary parking is provided.
Michael Butler, CEO, Cascadia Capital, LLC
Richard Hawkins, CPA, Geffen Mesher
Steven Kantor, Attorney, Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP
Kevin Rogers, Family Wealth Advisor, BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Moderated by:
Jim Barnyak, Regional President, BBNY Mellon Wealth Management
Chad Wall, Vice President-Senior Director, BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Please respond to Sarah Burns by Friday, March 14, 2014 at sarah.burns@bnymellon.com or 206-664-8828.