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Floating in Stormy Seas: Resources for Aging Loved Ones

If you are afloat in the often confusing or stressful waters of helping or managing aging parents and loved ones, then there are a few resources that may help calm the stormy seas:

1. Helen Hempel, a former Oregon elder law attorney, has co-authored Life: The Next Phase – Navigating the Issues of Caring for Aging Parents or Loved Ones.

“It provides you with practical roadmaps that guide you through four of the situations they are likely to face: needing part-time assistance, needing full-time assistance, handling a crisis, and preparing for what might happen in the future. This book gives you best practices and tools so that you can help your parent or loved one live the highest quality of life for their situation. And it will help you care for them without losing yourself in the process.”

2. Kevin Burke, a professional guardian with offices in Oregon and Washington, wrote: Guardian: The Art of Restoring Lives.

“Guardian is without a doubt the most optimistic book about elder financial abuse ever written. The stories here all show some the most vulnerable people in the country facing completely dire circumstances and triumphing. None of this is unusual. Physical, emotional and spiritual revival are available to victimized elders. All of us who know and care for elders can make this happen. And even better is knowing how to prevent elders from becoming victims in the first place.”
