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SYK Attorney Laura Nelson and CCBA: Clark County Courts Need Masks

In the July edition of Clark County Bar Association’s monthly newsletter, the HearSay, there is a call for help. The Washington Courts are asking for assistance to help protect those who work in and visit the Clark County Courts.

Dear Vancouver Area Attorneys:
You well know that the COVID-19 global pandemic has seriously impacted most everyone and everything – including our Clark County Courts. As Washington eases back into opening for business, the need to protect our judges, court staff, litigants, and visitors is vital. Accordingly, this is a call for help in donating disposable or washable masks (not required to be N95 masks), or funds to be used to purchase such masks. Please send checks to the CCBA office and write “Masks” in the memo line.

Collection sites include the Clark County Superior Court, our new offices in Vancouver, and the offices of Jeffrey Barrar.

The call for help was sounded by our own Laura Nelson, along with the CCBA.

“With so much out of control right now, let’s take a positive step toward helping others.”
