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Staying Safe in Extreme Cold

With numerous winter storms ravaging the country, it is vital for each of us to take care, not only of ourselves, but also to take care of our vulnerable friends and neighbors.

AARP explains, “Older people are especially vulnerable when temperatures drop because they have less efficient circulation. They may have medical conditions (such as thyroid problems or diabetes) and take medications (such as beta-blockers) that can raise their risk of health problems, including injuries, in the cold.”

Cold weather tips include:

  • Pile on the layers, both with your clothing and with bed linens.
  • Be careful with candles, electric heaters and generators.
  • Keep the weather outside with closed doors, including closing interior doors to trap heat.
  • Be careful while clearing snow and avoid extreme exertion that can trigger a heart attack.
  • Find a shelter, if need be.
  • Don’t drive unless you must.
  • Keep an eye on the fridge and freezer, to avoid spoiled food.
  • Check on others.

Displays of kindness can fill the world with happiness and warmth.  Stay safe.
