Gina Lollobrigida: Financial Elder Abuse Is NOT “Loving Care”

Gina Lollobrigida, the successful 1950’s and 1960’s Italian actress, model, photojournalist, artist and politician, passed away in early 2023, at the age of 95.

Her former personal assistant was recently found guilty for stealing millions from his former employer, after being charged with “circumvention of an incompetent person.” Although the trial started before Lollobrigida passed, and she defended her assistant, he was convicted and sentenced to three years. After the verdict, the assistant said, “I was the only one lovingly taking care of Gina Lollobrigida.”

With all of her fame, fortune, connections and success, Lollobrigida was not immune from financial exploitation.  We must all be aware and we must all be alert.

If you or someone you know may be the victim of elder abuse, call the Oregon Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-855-503-7233.  The National Elder Fraud Hotline is 1-833-372-8311.  You can also contact the criminal authorities and/or a civil attorney, to protect yourself or our vulnerable citizens.

