Samuels Yoelin Kantor Seminar Series

Legal Issues for the Entrepreneur
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2011, 6:30 p.m. at ClubSport

Presented by Victoria Blachly, Ted Simpson and Michael Walker

Are you a small business owner — or thinking about starting a new business?

Later this month,Victoria Blachly, Ted Simpson and Michael Walker are leading a free seminar for ClubSport members and guests.

"Legal Issues for the Entrepreneur: Launching and Sustaining Your Business in Volatile Times" is designed to educate small business owners and those thinking about starting a new venture. Seminar attendees will find out how to:

  • Protect your business in a litigious and economically challenging environment
  • Determine the best type of corporate entity for your business
  • Secure business assets through non-compete and non-disclosure agreements

After the presentation, attendees are invited to mingle and network as Mauro Hernandez of Sherwood-based K&MWines, Alchemy Vineyard, shares small production wines for tasting and purchase.

The seminar will be held Thursday, September 29, starting at 6:30 p.m. If you are a ClubSport member or would like to attend as a guest of Samuels Yoelin Kantor, you can register for this complimentary seminar at the activities desk or by calling 503-968-4555.

Stay tuned to this blog for information about additional seminars, which are complimentary, open to the public, and held at the Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP offices and other locations.
